Sunday, 19 November 2023

10-307 (4/11/23) -- Pondering Time

This evening many people set their clocks back. I wait until I get up tomorrow to do this silly task. I come from a province where we didn't change time. We were on Central Standard Time all year round. But the provinces on either side of us did change, so half the year we were the same as Alberta and the other half we were the same as Manitoba. It made things challenging for people calling from southern Ontario as they often got things wrong and the early morning meeting calls often came while I was still in bed. <smile>. 

The first time I experienced a time change was in the fall after undergraduate school and I was living in Toronto. I found it bizarre to be in almost full dark between 3 PM and 4 PM. I understand going to school or work in the dark for an 8 AM start and then heading home in the dark at 5 PM -- but that was mostly into mid- to late-December. With time change this goes on for weeks. <sigh> Much conversation about staying at one time all year has been bandied about of late. What remains to be seen is who chooses Standard time who chooses Daylight Savings time. Either way, we are likely to be on different time schedules in what is currently the same time zone. Sir Sanford Fleming, pr0posed 24 time zones with each being 1 hour apart, which equated to 15 degrees of longitude. He called this Standard Time. Until then each city or county declared what the time of day would be. That might not have been such a big deal when we travelled less than we do now.  

The title line of a song ran through my head repeatedly today. The rest of the lyrics don't really fit the day, but I'm sharing it anyway. I have to get this earworm out of my head. Sorry to pass it along. <grin> 

It's a Sign of the Times -- Petulia Clark

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