Wednesday, 29 November 2023

10/331 (28/11/23) -- Grocery Bill Shock

I headed out to get groceries and hit another store just after noon. There was a bit of blue sky and some sunshine present at that time. When I came home three hours later, the sky looked like one big cloud and we had some rain beginning. Wet flurries will arrive into the late evening and with colder temperatures, I expect some white stuff on the ground in the morning. 

My trip to the grocery store took much longer than I'd expected. The place was not crowded. However, shelves had not been fully restocked even though trollies filled with boxes of goods were left precariously in many aisles. So frustrating. <sigh>. I had to go to the second larger grocer in town to get the final three items -- bulk sweet potatoes and potatoes being high on that list. I could buy a five or ten pound bag, but they would rot before I used them all. They should have two or two and a half pound bags for single households. I'm sure they'd sell a lot. When I was at the store, the other shoppers were mainly older adults. Federal monthly pensions came into bank accounts today. Later in the day there should be many more youth shopping as it is student day where they get a discount for shopping on this day of the week. The slowest part was waiting at the cashier -- only three lines were open. I choose not to use the self-checkout area. I should get a discount for doing it myself. <smile>  At the other store on my list today, I managed to lose my shopping bag. It was no where to be founds. I backtracked through the rather large store and even checked at the customer service desk. Nothing. Now it was an older bag and I do have others at home I could use. I was just frustrated that I'd dropped it somewhere. I hope whoever found it gets good use of it. I did forget one other stop, but will try to do that at the end of the week. 

I'm still having issues judging the cost of a list of groceries. Prices change so often, it is difficult to estimate. It is always more than I want to pay. <sigh> each time I go, the total seems to creep upwards. We seem to be closing in on double what I paid four years ago. I expect this makes budgeting difficult for many people. I chose a song that deals with managing tight budgets. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cost of Livin' -- Ronnie Dunn 

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