Monday, 13 November 2023

10-300 (28/10/23) -- Further Tech Issues

 After a nice breakfast, I called the cable repair people to report that things weren't all fixed yesterday. Just like last time this happened, the pvr failed to function. The person on the phone got the pvr to work. Within a half an hour, the picture began to stutter -- freezing every minute or two. I made another call to the help line. While working on this latest issue, the hesitation seemed to stop. We waited 5 minutes and nothing quirky happened, so it was deemed fixed. Twenty minutes later I was on the phone with the third person because the stuttering returned.  This time, nothing seemed to make it stop. They suggested that I needed a new pvr as one is older than the other. But, they told me to wait for at least 48 hours to see if things cleared up as the system settled down after a reboot. Now that sounded like a BS response -- one that would get me to stop calling them today. <sigh> There will be phone calls, but I have be in the right frame of mind to do this. 

I went for a long walk to clear my head. Above there was a group of geese heading south. This was the first time that I'd seen a double line of geese on each side of the V. Very cool. This sight made me smile -- something that hadn't happened for a while today. I thought how nice it would be to head south with them to just escape the repair goofiness I've dealt with this week. I chose a song brought to us by the letter V <grin> -- several V's and even one with the performer. Hey, I needed something that made me laugh. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Viva Las Vegas -- Elvis Presley 

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