Sunday, 31 December 2023

10-364 (31/12/23) -- New Year Wishes

Fifteen years ago, I wrote a social media post expressing my hopes and wishes for the the new year.  It may be a touch of self-plagiarism, but I'm sharing it here this year anyway. <smile> 

In the words of Anton Chekov -- 

"We shall find peace.

We shall hear the angels. 

We shall see the sky sparkling iwth diamonds."

The hope for peace is more at the forefront of the public consciousness at this time of year. Building peace requires hope and both individual and collective action. While action towards global freedom from conflict and want may seem overwhelming, small actions support hope and build understanding and tolerance. We can each learn and teach about differences -- try a new cultural food, work in a community garden, get to know your local food producers, advocate for social change, practice the 3 R's (reduce, reuse, recyle -- and the 4th forgotten R -- refuse), plant a tree, invite a neighbour to tea, voluneer your expertise in a community organization. 

Actions such as these bring to mind a favourite quote from a great Canadian, Tommy C. Douglas. 

"Peace on earth is not something we have achieved but something for which we must strive if mankind is to survive. If Christmas means anything it should mean that, like the shepherds of old, we catch a vision of the world as it ought to be and not as it is. This is the season when we should renew our determination to do what we can, each in our own way, to build a world founded on human brotherhood and concern for the needs of others."

So -- when making New Year's resolutions strive to make your corner of the world a better place for others -- small actions do have impacts, as noted by anthropologiest Margaret Mead. 

Ghandi stated, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

I wish you a New Year filled with peace, joy and understanding. May 2024 bring renewed hope and strength to continue to build peace in ourselves, in our own communities and across the globe. 

I chose a song often sung on this day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Auld Lang Sine -- Rod Stewart 

10-363 (30/12/23) -- Attacked

It was an odd day. Things went well as I got through some household chores. I did some laundry, but much more left for tomorrow. I washed some  heavy cotton rugs with a couple of towels to help balance the load. As expected, I experienced the attack of the unbalanced washing machine. I swear the dryer one day will come dislodged and move through the wall into the dining room or bathroom. <sigh> I should contact the maintenance person to come and check to see if the washer is actually balanced to begin with. Something else to add to my 'to do' list. 

When out for a walk today, I had an encounter with dog -- a young golden retriever. It appeared that the dog was being leash trained. They paused in front of me as the woman got the dog to sit and then gave it a treat. I stopped about 8-10 feet behind them while this occurred. As soon as the treat was received, the dog took off and tried to jump up on me and then grabbed my hand. The mitten took the brunt of it. I could feel the sharp teeth against my fingers. Luckily, only the mitten was involved. Once the woman finally got the dog to let go, my other hand, which I had tight up against my side, was grabbed and game was repeated. Again, no actual bite. The leash was never shortened, nor was the collar grasped. I felt shaken and found that I had tears on my cheeks as I continued my walk. I was happy the encounter wasn't worse or had occurred with either of the two other walkers out this afternoon, both of whom used a walking pole or cane. Needless to say, I will turn in the opposite direction next time I see this pair on the road. 

I'm sorry that the song that came into my head is a nasty earworm. I warn you before you listen. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Who Let the Dogs Out -- Baha Men

who let the dogs out??? 

Friday, 29 December 2023

10-362 (29/12/23) -- Two Storms and a Plan

Two -- count them -- two low pressure systems visited our region today. Starting last nights, freezing rain, ice pellets and rain fell until late afternoon. The second system brought snow that will fall this evening, overnight and into tomorrow. Needless to say, I chose to stay inside today. No need to tempt fate with icy patches on the driveway and roads (we have no sidewalks in this development -- but if we did, hey would be slippery, too <smile>). I had a few ideas of things I'd like to get done before the end of the year. I felt more like hibernating. It was dark all day, which sends a little message to the brain that it is time to rest. <sigh> 

The new year should begin with a few days without precipitation and with a sun-cloud mix. I look forward to that. We have two days to prepare for a new year celebration. I think I have all that I need for me to have a wee nosh and virtual visit with a dear friend. I also have new pjs and slippers to wear in the new year. So, I'm pretty much good to go. <smile> I've generally been one for staying home or giving or attending a small house party. Larger events have never been my forte. A few song lines about preparing to celebrate new years eve came to mind today.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

What Are You Doing New Years Eve? -- Harry Connick, Jr

10-361 (28/12/23) -- Commensality

The day was bright and sunny with a clear blue sky. Clouds began to drift in during the late afternoon. These may be leading the coming storm, which may bring freezing rain and ice pellets all followed by rain. It sounds messy at best. 

A good friend and I had our Christmas lunch out today. We had to cancel last week due to the major snow fall. We were at the restaurant chatting for two hours! We were the second table in for lunch and the alst to leave. I shouldn't be surprised since we have had lengthy chats since we first met. Always something to chat about. <smile> 

I enjoy sharing ideas and stories over a meal with friends. This part of holiday celebrations brings laughter and strengthens ties. Happily, such gatherings can happen at any time of the year and don't only occur within the confines of a holiday. Commensality appears in most cultures as a way to bring people together. A local artist did a frieze of people in a settlement cooking and sharing food. He titled the work "Peacemaking." I believe this can mean both inner peace and broader aspects of external peace. It definitely adds to understanding of different cultural groups. We can see the commonalities as well as the differences. 

The selection today contains lyrics that cover social gathering and mentions a few foods along the way. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Sleigh Ride -- Debbie Gibson


Thursday, 28 December 2023

10-360 (27/12/23) -- Relaxing Lights

Some sun appeared this morning but clouds began to fill the sky by the time I went for my walk. I had a lengthy talk with a neighbour out walking his dog. It helped me to understand some of the ins and outs of local management. There is a lot to understand like the recent question regarding snow removal and the blocking of the mail box by the street plow. No one has a clear explanation. <sigh> I'm sure things will come to light as the season wears on. 

I did some cleaning in the kitchen and packaging several bags for waste pickup next week. Pickup has been interrupted due to weather events for the previous two weeks and the Boxing Day holiday.  Some of the wrapping paper and bags were packed away. It feels strange to dig out everything for a few days each year. <smile> I tend to leave the tree up for Julian Christmas and New Year. I like the lights. They can be calming. 

I chose a song by a band whose name reminded me of the lights on my Christmas tree. The song and lyrics are fairly basic. But then, not every blog will have an outstanding song. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Holiday Rock -- Neon Trees

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

10-359 (26/12/23) -- Day to Relax

The day was sunny with more clouds as the day progressed. After lunch, I headed out to the patio to move the remaining snow -- lots and lots of heavy wet snow. I wanted it off the patio before we get rain and frozen precipitation later in the week. When the temperatures drop below freezing, the wet drifts will turn to icebergs and be immovable until the y melt in the spring. It was a lot of work, but not as much as I had to move in the former abode. So, I shouldn't  complain -- well too much, perhaps. <smile> I had a long soak in the tub tonight to help ward off any painful lower back issues. I lifted with my legs and not bending my back, but with the weight that was moved, many joints may make their displeasure known. 

I enjoy Boxing Day. It is a day when one can kick back and just rest. This brief respite before returning to a regular routine for the few days before New Years Day, is much needed. I watched a movie and did minimal cooking. I let go the cleaning and other chores for today. I even had a short nap in the afternoon. I enjoyed the relaxed feel to the day. 

The title and lyrics of a song seemed to fit my focus for this day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Take it Easy -- Eagles


10-358 (25/12/23) -- Together

What a bright sunny Christmas day! After lunch, I went for a walk. The temperature was well above freezing and the sun felt warm. I met a few others while out. I listened to the Christmas message from the King and read the highlights of annual messages from other leaders. A common theme dealt with kindness and working collectively for the common good. It is an idea that we hear often but perhaps more often during the holiday season. It definitely should be embraced now and continued throughout the whole year. It brings to mind the concept of building community -- something that involves recognizing the needs of people and nature in our regions and working together to address those needs. 

A song that encompasses the concept of collaboration came to mind while I was cooking my vegetable contribution to dinner tonight. Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Christmas Sing-a-Long -- Pentatonix

Sunday, 24 December 2023

10-357 (24/12/23) -- Watching the Sky

It was a bright sunny day with temperatures just above freezing . That helped the snow and ice to be moveable as it didn't stick to the cement as much. I moved snow from the patio so there is a larger exit area . It is wetter so heavier than it had been, but it moved quickly. I saw a single contrail in the bright blue sky as I worked. While on the phone late afternoon, I even saw the moon. It was big and bright.  -- even saw the big moon, It has been a long time since we've seen anything due to the heavy snow laden grey clouds. It felt lighter than the past many days.  

According to the NORAD tracker, Santa flew over the house just a few minutes ago. I keep track of his journey to see when he flies over town. I have not major chimney, so he has to use his magic to direct any gifts to a closet or cupboard in the house. This is safer for the furry one <grin>.  The gifts for tomorrow evening gathering are all good to go and the prep for the fun vegetable dish has been done so things will go more quickly when cooking in the afternoon. 

In my head, I kept hearing the chorus of the selection for tonight. It is a fun song and video. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The old man's back in town -- Kenny Rogers, Garth Brooks, & Trisha Yearwood

10-356 (23/12/23) -- Last Minute Preparations

The day began early. Given that the busiest shopping day of the year was yesterday -- a snow day in this area -- even more shoppers were expected to be out today. A friend and I went for last minute groceries. I got the final few items that hadn't been in stock last time I was out. It was fun going with someone else for a change. We went to both grocery stores and two other stores for last minute food, refreshments and gifts. The day was bright and sunny, which was a major change from the last week of heavy clouds. It helped the air feel warmer, too. The next few days are to be above freezing and sunny -- a perfect way to move into the holidays. 

My usual weekend household chores began after my return from shopping around noon. Laundry and some preparation for cooking in the next two days were completed.  This year will be a white Christmas here. We have about a 50:50 chance of this happening. We've had several green seasons in recent years, but this year is definitely white. While this isn't my favourite element of winter, I do enjoy the song selected for today. I chose a version with a fun tempo and animation that brings giggles. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

White Christmas -- The Drifters (animation by Joshua Held) 

Friday, 22 December 2023

10-355 (22/12/23) -- Productive Snow Day

We had a major snowfall overnight -- so the Thursday storm continued into Friday with considerably more snow than forecast. Instead of 2-4 cm (1-1.5 in), we got somewhere in the 15-20 cm (6-8 in). The snow came from squalls off the Gulf of St. Lawrence area northwest of here. The big winds created amazing drifts. The patio has one that is well above my knees. The street plow left a pile blocking the road to the postboxes. It was almost shoulder height. The big cleanup will occur tomorrow. Today, the street plow passed a couple of times and the loader with a snow blower attachment cleared a narrow path on each driveway -- just the width of a vehicle. 

I did a number of indoor activities after moving a pathway down the front driveway and another across the back patio. If we choose to believe the forecasts, the next few days look like some sun and cloud mix each day with no precipitation until next week. That looks like rain due to increased temperatures. So, inside I canceled the lunch planned for today and rebooked for next week. I made a big pot of stew -- a hearty dish for a blustery day. Some wrapping and a couple cards were done along with bits of cleaning.  The day was fairly productive and felt restful -- nothing needed to happen at a particular time today. <smile> 

Oddly I feel a bit fatigued this evening. I know I did some physical chores but I was thinking through the holidays while shoveling and chopping vegetables. So, there was some mental effort in the day, too. I heard a song in my head a few times during the day. It is one that I enjoy for its great acapella harmonies and the relaxing aspects of listening to this one. So -- I share it with you all here today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Riu Chiu -- The Monkees 


Thursday, 21 December 2023

10-354 (21/12/23) -- Changing Light

Well there was another Thursday storm. Ice disguised as snow on the front porch refused to be moved when I tried to shovel a clearing around the door. Yuck. It is still snowing and wind gusting outside my windows. I wasn't to be a huge accumulation, but that may change. We'll see what the morning brings. 

Today marked the winter solstice. It is a day to celebrate. From now on, there will be more daylight. Today was the shortest daylight hours of the year. Though, with the dark grey snow clouds the day wasn't very bright. It seemed to accentuate the darkness of the day seemed. Even a minute or two increase in the hours of light brings hope. Some people enjoy the darkness of this time of year, while others enjoy more sunlight. The continuing rhythm of changing seasons provides a sense of comfort. Happy Solstice!

The song for today celebrates the solstice by a prog rock band from the UK. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Ring Out Solstice Bells -- Jethro Tull

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

10-353 (20/12/23) -- Kinder Lists

The day began with errands downtown as tomorrow may be nasty with frozen varieties of precipitation. So far this season has been the one with Monday storms, but it now appears as Monday AND Thursday storms. <sigh> 

Yesterday evening a friend shared an idea of listing accomplishments done over her day. I loved this idea. It is much more validating than usual 'to do' lists. Unless a task is on that list, it doesn't get recognized.  So, if we were to list what we did do, it might help us to understand that we didn't just sit like a lump -- well, not all day <smile> -- and did do things that are part of, if not necessary to daily life. The idea struck me as a way of being kind to ourselves. We can see what we did do, instead of chastise ourselves for what we didn't do. How cool is that? 

I decided that I would try this new way of looking at daily accomplishments -- It reminded me of list making that we hear about often at this time of year. This one has an adult twist to it. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

My Grown Up Christmas Lis -- Kelly Clarkson

10-352 (19/12/23) -- Aftermath of the Storm

I woke earlier than usual but went back to bed just to keep warm. The power went out in the nights and didn't come back until 1030 AM -- an outage of 9+ hours. The wicked winds and major rain were the cause of the outage. Power went on and off during early afternoon. I had put the  comforter from the spare bed onto m bed during the night when I began to feel cool. While it was warmer than usual outside, the dampness and slight drop in indoor temperature made it feel very chilly. It was no where near what would happen with a nor'easter and temperatures below freezing, though, which was a good thing. 

My big outing was to the eye doctor for the annual check. I took a taxi to the appointment. After things were finished, I walked to campus. Rain began as I got to the far end of campus so I headed to the first large building and put on my rain pants to walk to the other side of campus. My cords were already a bit damp and they would have been soaking wet had I not stopped to put on more rain gear. I visited with a friend and then went home to make supper. We expect more rain through tomorrow -- a lot more rain, actually. <sigh> 

I was thinking of songs that fit the chilly night experience. One newer to me came to my attention. I had no twinkling lights on the tree, though <pout>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cold December Night -- Michael Buble

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

10-351 (18/12/23) -- Finding Calm in the Tempest

It has been a busy Monday. Many errands were accomplished. The last minute grocery items have been acquired. That required trips to both grocery stores in town and a bakery.  At a postal kiosk, I dropped off the final parcel to mail and got the cards into the system, too. A pickup was just being made to take things to the central post office for sorting -- so -- good timing. <smile> 

The wind was strong when I left home. It strengthened throughout my travels and into the evening. We expect continued major gusts with some rain. Precipitation will begin into the late evening and overnight and continue for two days or so. We expect 50-75 mm (2-3 inches) over the next 24 to 36 hours. This is the fourth Monday storm in the past five weeks. On this street, our garbage, recycling and compost go out Monday night for early morning pickup on Tuesday. Needless to say with the winds, I won't be putting the waste out tonight for fear of it hefting and carrying the bags and compost bin to parts unknown. So, one more time that things will remain in the garage until the Monday storms hold out for a week or two. In the past storms have arrived on the same weekday during the winter season. The unrelenting regularity of such events becomes grating. I hope that this will not continue, but then I have little control over that one <grin>. 

I chose a softer sounding song for tonight to counteract the tempest sounds of wind and rain outside the window. The lyrics provide something to ponder and to practice. Keep well. Enjoy! 

The Secret of Christmas -- Ella Fitzgerald

Monday, 18 December 2023

10-350 (17/12/23) -- Finally Some Productivity

It has been a productive day. I got lights up on the tree and spent time with a friend as we prepared our Christmas cards for mailing. There are still a few to complete, but the bulk of them are good to go. The parcels that were wrapped yesterday, were packed into a box to mail tomorrow. A few local gifts still need to be wrapped, but there is time this week. Tomorrow I plan to do the final grocery shopping before Christmas. I need a few more ingredients for the dishes I plan to make in the next week and a bit. 

I had fun doing things today. It is nice to get decorations up and things sent off to friends and family. This are part of the traditions that we try to keep while developing new ones. I have added new vegetable dishes to my celebration meal contributions. I'd be happy with mainly veggie dishes and a bit of turkey  with a fresh roll. <smile> I love getting parcels wrapped in shiny and sparkly paper and bags. Big bows don't work well for shipping, but the smaller curling ribbon loops help to perk up a package. Sending cards helps me to keep in touch with people in many different places. 

Today a lot just came together. <smile>  A song ran through my head from wrapping yesterday and doing other things. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Pretty Paper -- Willie Nelson

Sunday, 17 December 2023

10-349 (16/12/23) -- Feeling Time Pass

Today was dry for a change -- nothing falling from the sky. I wrapped some gifts and hope that they all fit into the prepaid box. I dragged out the dreaded 'vacoom' and managed to do a pass through the house. Things look a bit better. Most of the grit and salt stuck to my boots is now off the floor. I walk into the kitchen with groceries and such, doing the back and forth trips from car to house before I remove the boots.

I was thinking about time as I worked through things today. When I was downtown on the day of the major snowfall, I noticed that time was passing oddly. I did several items with longer walks in between, only to find that less time had passed than I expected. This meant that I had more time to do the next items. Again, these felt like I had used a lot of time, when I used much less. Interesting. Then when I had to wait for a ride back home, time dragged. I went from one end of the street to the other and completed an errand in the process. When I was ready to walk back the other way, much less time had passed. It felt like had to wait forever to get the hour and a half to go by. So, time can go according to what feels right and be less time which leave time to do the other things on the list. Or, time can feel like it is moving more quickly when it is actually going more slowly, leaving me to find ways to fill the time as i waited. Very weird feelings that day and for several days recently. I was reminded of a quote by Robbie Burns, "No man can tether time or tides." This made me realize that time will move as it does regardless of whether we want it to move more quickly or slow a bit. I took it also to mean that I can't control the weather and often can't get forecasts that follow though. I am in control of much less than I'd like to be <smile>. 

I thought of a song about time waiting that I share tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Waiting for Christmas to Come -- Johnny Reid

Saturday, 16 December 2023

10-348 (15/12/23) -- Frantic Pace Needed

The weather was kinder today. Temperatures rose and snow condensed a bit so doesn't look as deep in places. It may leave by the end of the weekend as it warms considerably. I spent the day inside after moving the snow off the patio and part of the driveway. The wind was very strong and tried to make my shovel into a sail. I was expecting to do some odd winter version of Mary Poppins as I blew down the street. 

Weather has a way of interfering with out plans. We aren't in control of as much as we might think we are. <smile>  I did move forward with making plans to visit with friends during the holiday season. It gives me something to look forward to during the weird weather events of late. <smile>  

Today the selection speaks to the gathering of people to celebrate and enjoy the holidays.  The tempo brings a frenetic-ness that reminds me of all the little things that comprise the larger parts of holiday preparation. Yet, together the group presents amazing tight harmonies -- much like working together can share the weight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Carol of the Bells -- Pentatonix

Friday, 15 December 2023

10-347 (14/12/23) -- Snowy Entrapment

 I should have stayed in bed. <sigh> My plans to do some shopping before my appointment went sideways when the expected less than 1 cm of snow turned into 5 (2 inches) by 9:30 AM and another 5 cm fell in the next hour. Again, this was on shore flurries. Snow clearing and removal equipment did not appear. The street plow went by at 11:45 AM when the snow magically stopped and the sun came out. Driveways were somewhat cleared between 1 and 4 PM when I was downtown. 

I got a ride down the scary steep and windy hill into town. I mailed a couple of parcels -- still one to prep and go. After my appointment around 3:30, I called every cab company in town -- about 6 of them. Only one answered the phone. He was the only one working today for his company and had 8 people in front of me and no idea how long it would talk to get to me. I added my name to the list and then called locals for a potential ride home or closer to homd. I is walkable in 40+ minutes, but with all the snow I wouldn't be able to walk along the shoulder of the highway safely. There is a back way that only requires one to cross the 2-lane tertiary highway. Again, with all the snow, the trail would be less passable. I finally called my neighbour and she agreed to pick me up on her way home from work just after 5 PM. So, I wandered Main Street and stopped in stores to warm up a bit and browse. I did find a couple of things I've been looking for and then a whole lot of things to think over -- things that would fit nicely into the new place. I got a couple needed items and will think through others. So -- I spent more than planned, but that kept me warm inside today and will help keep me warm at home in the days to come. 

It was a very uncomfortable feeling knowing that there wasn't an easy way to get home today. It was a mixture of many emotions -- desperation, trapped, abandoned, frustrated, fearful, anxious, dependent  and physically so very cold. The humidity made the below freezing temperatures feel quite bitter. Once I got home the neighbour and I rushed to change for the turkey dinner celebration for the residents of the neighbourhood. It was at the big house just 2-3 blocks away. I finally got warm as I sat in the dining hall filled with tables for four.  

I came to the conclusion that someone or several someones had been playing this song too much this season. In so doing, fate chose to answer their call.  <smile> I apologize to those who, like me, find this song a tad grating. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Let it Snow -- Michael Buble 

Thursday, 14 December 2023

10-346 (13/12/23) -- Seasonal Expectations

The day was mainly cloudy. My only trip outside was to pick up the mail. Most of the plans for the day didn't get off the ground. I did get some wrapping and packing of gifts that have to get mailed now. I have managed to miss the mailing deadlines yet again this year. I hope to get lights on the tree in the next day or two. Cards also need to be written and sent out before next week, too. Gift shopping is almost completed -- just a couple more small items to acquire. 

The holiday season brings a lot of stress. Everybody is madly working to get things completed by the same date. Often, I think we expect too much of ourselves. Cooking, baking, gift giving, decorating, writing notes and cards -- it all takes a lot of mental effort and energy. Much of the activity is aimed to help us keep connected with friends and family and traditions. Being in contact with many people during Christmas may be the only time each year that we check in with each other. That isn't meant to be a negative. In fact, it can be enjoyable hearing from people to hear what life had brought their way over the past year. Even if the card only reads "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" above the signature, I find it comforting to have heard from them. Those closer to us may include exchanging gifts. I'll admit that I love this part of the season. It brings back some of the excitement from childhood. I often will open a gift each day, just to hang on to that anticipation feeling. <smile> I've cleared the top of the buffet for cards and decorations and once the tree has lights (and maybe some decorations) that will be ready for gifts. I love to sit and look at the lights at night. They bring a sense of calm and peace -- something necessary during the frenzied pace of this time of year. 

I chose a song that includes family members of the main singer after pondering aspects of the Christmas season today. The expectations sometimes lead us to overlook the importance of human connections. The translated lyrics can be found online. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Buon Natale a Tutto il Mondo -- Andrea Bocelli & Family 

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

10-345 (12/12/23) -- Rushing To and Fro

The day was bright and sunny -- blindingly bright at times. Temperatures fell to something more usual for this time of year. I was downtown for a while at two meetings and doing a couple errands. It was pleasant walking in the sunshine with only a bit of a breeze. 

I was early for one meeting and late for the other -- fifteen minutes off both times. Crazy. The lateness in getting a few blocks from one meeting to the second had me walking quickly. The song for today, deals with moving fast to get things done on time. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Run, Run, Rudolph -- Lynyrd Skynyrd  

Monday, 11 December 2023

10-344 (11/12/23) -- Finding Peace

Overnight the temperatures rose to mid-teens Celsius. All traces of snow left. I could hear the water running in the eaves troughs in the night as the snow on the roof melted. By noon today, the wind was picking up. By later afternoon and into the evening, we had wind gusts of 90+ km/hr (~56+ mph). I went down to the block for the mail and then went around the block for a walk into the wind uphill and then downhill with the wind pushing me along.  

Little on the planned to do list actually got done today. I had a nap in the afternoon. I just felt tired. Listening to the wind and watching the lights flicker often, kept me a bit on edge. Feeling the house shudder in the big gusts added to the stressed feeling. Things seem to be settling a bit outside, so the night should be quieter than it was during the day. 

I chose a song that I find peaceful and relaxing. It is a favourite duo of mine. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy -- Bing Crosby & David Bowie


10-343 (10/12/23) -- Semi-Productive Day

After lunch today, I went for a long walk. There was very little wind, but temperatures were warmer than the past few day. It was above freezing and will be warming overnight. We expect some rain and big wind tomorrow with a cold front arriving shortly after. The quiet was soothing today as I walked. Distant traffic noise was all I heard. 

Back at the new place, I found gifts that I had packed when I moved. Nice that they were where I expected them to be. Wrapping will have to be done tomorrow, so I will be later getting the packages into the postal system.  I also put the tree up in the living room. It will sit for a day or two before I get to putting on the lights. 

The day seemed somewhat productive for a change. With the tree standing in the living room instead of boxed in the garage brought me to a song that is 65 years old this year. I share a recent video from the original singer tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree -- Brenda Lee


Saturday, 9 December 2023

10-342 (9/12/23) -- Mood Altering

The day was cloudier than forecaster noted yesterday. I didn't go out for a walk as I was busy inside. I worked away in the house doing laundry and moving things around in the living room. The latter was to make space for the tree, which I hope to get up tomorrow. Lights will come tomorrow or later. There is a lot on the list to complete tomorrow, so we will see. I want to get a couple boxes out in the mail Monday. 

Trying to get into the Christmas spirit has been challenging. I miss my old iPod and the holiday playlist. I could work away with ear buds and enjoy fun tunes in the process. I'm trying to add a few things to the daily pseudo-routine --  meals with friends, shopping for gifts, buying a couple of fun things for me , and several other things. I hope to take an evening walk when it is warmer over the next few days just to look at decorations and lights in the area. Small things should help. <smile>  

A song came to mind when thinking  of finding a holiday mood today. I recall the song as presented in a movie years ago. It is all about perking  up things and moods. Keep save. Enjoy! 

We Need a Little Christmas -- Angela Lansbury


10-341 (8/12/23) -- Chrimbo Deckies

The day was mainly cloudy, but there was bright sunshine for a short bit -- just as I was driving to the grocery store and having to head into the extreme brightness in the westerly sky. <smile> There was no precipitation, though the clouds looked a lot like snow. I got groceries at two stores -- still forgot one major item on the list, so will need to return in the next couple of days. <sigh> 

I'm enjoying the evergreen wreath on the front door. Many neighbours have similar wreaths and assorted greenery on their front porches. It is nice to see. I did donate my outdoor lights before moving here. Not sure why I did that, but I'll see what is on sale later and get something for next year. I'm hoping to rearrange the living room this weekend so the tree can go up in a new corner. I'm still working out how to make the living room area feel 'right'. The large open space is a challenge. As for holiday decoration, I do have the kitchen lines out and the green and holly cutwork trip table cloth on the dining table. Other things are out of the cedar chest and ready to brighten up the place this weekend.  

Adding decoration to the new place brought a song to mind. I chose a version with the lyrics set to a different tune than usual. It makes it fun. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Deck the Halls with Sugar Plum Fairies  -- James Lee Stanley

Thursday, 7 December 2023

10-340 (7/12/23) -- A Great Walk

Some progress occurred today. I found the box with the Christmas wrapping paper in the pile in the garage. It was the second box I looked at, so wasn't the craziness I'd pictured of opening every box and it would be the final box that had what I needed. Catastrophizing a bit perhaps <smile>. 

In the afternoon,  I had an appointment downtown and planned to do stops at three businesses. So, I decided to park at the end of Main Street and walk the full length to get to one of the stores, stopping along the way at the bank and to pick up bread from a regional bakery. It felt great to walk that longer distance than I find myself doing in the new neighbourhood. And, I was walking with a purpose. The scenes around me changed as the traffic moved along and people walked along the street. There is a sense of 'bustle' that one doesn't encounter in this quieter area. It wasn't like I felt that I belonged there as I did for 25 years, but more that I was visiting the area. For whatever reason, it felt good. The walk I did downtown and onto campus yesterday felt much the same. 

The walking today felt amazing. I loved the feeling of stretching my legs with longer strides and faster pace than I often feel when walking in the new place. The air was crisp. The light breeze prompted me to put the hood up on my parka for the longer walks between stores. Overall, it was a great walking day. I chose the selection today for two reasons -- firstly the holiday that has just begun and secondly the band's name. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Happy Hanukkah -- Walk Off the Earth ft. Scott Helman


Wednesday, 6 December 2023

10-339 (6/12/23) -- Timing Challenges

The day began with me sleeping past the alarm. I made it to my first virtual meeting, though. Had it been outside the house, I would not have managed to get there on time. I had a bit of time after the meeting before I had to leave to go to the clinic for the updated COVID vaccine. I left the house in time to drive and find a parking space downtown. However, I did not leave time to clear the 3 to 4 inches of frozen snow, rain and slush off the windshield. I had to go into the garage to dig out a scraper and brush. The 2 inches on the car roof stayed where it was. My appointment was at 2:32 PM. They were booking every 4 minutes, so the times were just weird looking. I was late, but there was a woman ahead of me waiting, so at least I didn't hold up the line. 

I ordered three items on Saturday. When the system gave me a tracking notice, I found that one item was guaranteed for delivery Friday and the other two were guaranteed for Thursday. It showed that the order was split with one item coming from a warehouse in Vancouver area and the other two from one in Montreal area. Now, the one expected on Friday left Montreal shipping centre 12 hours before the one that left the same centre but was due to be delivered Thursday. Interesting <smile>. Well, when checking my email after the virtual meeting, I found a note for one parcel being delivered at 10:04 AM (the one that was guaranteed for Friday and another parcel was delivered at 11:20 AM (the one guaranteed for Thursday. Both were delivered on Wednesday by "John", I have visions of a man just driving around town delivering one parcel at a time rather than doing them in some semblance of order. The whole process was very weird. At least I should be able to get parcels off in the mail earlier than I'd thought. At this point in the calendar, every day counts. <smile> The plan is to check the boxes in the garage to find the Christmas wrapping stuff. Then I can get everything wrapped and packed and ready for the post office hopefully Friday <fingers crossed>. 

A fun song came to mind when thinking of looking for wrapping supplies. This live version made me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Wrap Me Up -- Jimmy Fallon & Meghan Trainor (on Kimmel)


Tuesday, 5 December 2023

10-338 (5/12/23) -- Fluffy Flakes Falling

When I went out the front door today, I could barely see the hills to the south. I thought it was odd as we rarely get fog in this area. As soon as I stepped out from under the overhang on the porch, I realized that the visibility was poor due to snow in the air. It had been precipitating all morning switching from big flakes, to tiny flakes to rain and back again repeatedly. I went to the mail box at the end of the street. Since there was little wind and we were in full on fluffy flake phase (say that quickly a few times <wink>), I chose to walk around the block. I sucked the envelope mail inside the flyer that also was in the box and off I went. Upon returning home my black parka was decorated with big while blotches. 

While out walking, I heard a song in my head. Bet you didn't see that coming <smile>. Now it was the first two lines that ran over and over in my mind today. There have been many covers of this song, but none like the singer I share here tonight. Frankly, it just isn't Christmas without hearing this song by this singer. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) -- Darlene Love (the version from her final performance of the song on Letterman) [keep in mind she was 73 in this performance] 


Monday, 4 December 2023

10-337 (4/12/23) -- Cooking Music

We had messy weather today with snow overnight that changed to rain this morning. Lots of wet slush on the road and driveways. More rain and snow are expected overnight and into tomorrow. Have I mentioned that I dislike winter weather? <smile> I pushed some slush to clear the patio and part of the driveway so I could walk out to the road with less risk of slipping or falling. 

This afternoon I made some spiced applesauce with cranberries and raisins. The apples and cranberries were locally grown. The batch produced six 250 mL (1 cup) jars. It was good to make something major like this in the new kitchen. I look forward to trying the sauce with pancakes or French toast. It also goes nicely with a dark gingerbread cake that I sometimes make in December. I'll add that to the possible holiday cooking list. 

While cooking, the Nutrcracker ballet came to mind. I heard one of the food-related dances as I worked.  I share that here but not in the usual orchestral format. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy -- Pentatonix

10-336 (3/12/23) -- Sleep & No Sleep

The weather was cold and cloudy when I went out for a short walk to mail a letter. A longer walk would have required heavier gloves or mitts than those I had to do a quick around the block. I finished the usual weekly laundry but did little else today. 

I was awake for most of the night. This happens after a vaccine for some reason. Luckily, I had nothing I'd committed to for the day. I woke later than usual having gotten to sleep early in the day. I also had a lengthy sleep late in the afternoon. Other than this sleep disruption and a mildly sore arm, few other side effects have appeared. That is a good thing <smile>. 

I chose a song to share by a Canadian -- from Saskatchewan even <smile>. I enjoy the softness of this song; it has a relaxing feel to it. The first verse fits my need to sleep and hide a bit today. The second verse is just sad and doesn't quite fit the day. Take care. Enjoy! 

River -- Joni Mitchell

Saturday, 2 December 2023

10-335 (2/12/23) -- Recipient of Kindness

Something new to me happened today. I got my first ever flu vaccine. I am allergic to the preservative used in many vaccines. Over the past several years, formulations without the preservative have been produced and distributed. I began my search for a vaccine over a year ago, hoping to get one for last season. Several steps in the process pushed back. This year, I began the process earlier in the season but had no results through usual channels. Then a couple weeks ago out of the blue I got a message from a friend asking if I had been able to find one this year. She was able to arrange for me to get the vaccine at a mobile clinic that was in town today. 

I was extremely stressed when I arrived at the clinic. Everyone was so amazing. The RN who gave me the shot went above and beyond. He showed me the syringe (a single dose format) and the papers that accompanied it. He noted it didn't say it was XXX-free, but clearly noted the area where it said the preservative was only in the multi-dose vials. He also noted that earlier in the day, they called the distribution centre to double-check that it was what I needed. So, my plan to ask to see the dose and information wasn't needed. He also suggested that I wait 30 minutes instead of the usual 15 after the vaccine to ensure there is no issue developing. I was going to tell them that I was staying longer, but they beat me to it. <smile> It hurt a bit on injection, but I was very tense and that creates greater discomfort. I had a great conversation with the nurse while I waited since no one else was waiting for a vaccine. 

Overall the experience was great. I encountered amazing kindness to get to the clinic and at the clinic today. I was pleased to see people who enjoyed their jobs and spent time looking outward rather than inward. It made me smile and by the time I left to drive home, I felt very relaxed. 

The song chosen today deals with the expansion of kindness during the holiday season. I know there are people who carry this through the whole year. I met some today. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A Change at Christmas -- The Flaming Lips


Friday, 1 December 2023

10-334 (1/12/23) -- Let's Hide from Winter

A new month began today. How did that happen so quickly? I walked in the mix of sun and cloud. The wind was a bit 'fresh' but not biting as it has been in the past week. I spent time looking at how people are decorating the outside of their places for the holidays. Some places look like everything is done and others are in progress. Many (like mine) haven't begun the process. Soon. <smile>   

The blog began with a challenge to do what I'd been doing annually durng December for a whole year. Well, with different music than I used for the one month <smile> Now, I will revert to the December-related tunes for this month. 

I chatted with the head builder for the complex today. He and I agreed that we'd rather never see snow. And yet, here we are in a northern climate on the Atlantic coast so snow comes a meter at a time. It hasn't yet been that bad, but our winter begins in earnest by the end of December. So, major snowfall is not far off. I'd happily go somewhere warmer for the next three months just to hide from it all. A recently released song speaks to the idea that the holiday season may not really require snow to work. <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Better than Snow -- Norah Jones & Laufey


Thursday, 30 November 2023

10-332 (29/11/23) -- Interviewing

As I've been thinking through the two writing projects I have on my plate, I keep thinking of the nature of qualitative inquiry. Gathering information involves individual interviews or larger focus group interviews. Archival research of written items or objects can also be used to answer the research question. Of the two projects, one has interviews and the other is archival. 

Interviewing strangers and asking personal questions can be a challenge. The participant must be put at ease. The researcher must use active listening and probing questions to clearly understand what is being said by the participant. It is a skill that is developed over time, though some people have strong skills when they start the research process. Perhaps it is the personality type that the interviewer possesses. 

In a recent interview I heard Geddy Lee speak about a newer project where he interviews famous bassists. The interviewer asked Geddy what he thought of that process, recognizing that he was trying to pull information from the interviewee. Geddy felt getting interesting bits of information from people was a challenge. Yet, he did find the process intriguing. A key may be to be relaxed and find some common ground to help build rapport. I found this discussion to be similar to what I've done as a researcher and as a public health professional. For the latter, I did a monthly interview program for the local cable channel where we highlighted local health initiatives and health professionals. That was fun and helped me to be more relaxed as an interviewer and an interviewee. So -- I had something in common with Geddy Lee <grin>. 

I've often felt that an interview was like a dance. Whether it be a pas de deux or the whole company is involved on stage. It takes practice to develop the trust in each other to make the whole thing work. While I often use a ballet metaphor, today the selection goes in an entirely different direction. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Shall We Dance -- Yul Brenner & Deborah Kerr from the King and I 


10-333 (30/11/23) -- Weariness

I woke to the alarm this morning. This was followed by some very slow movement. It took longer than usual to get breakfast prepared and get changed for the day. I did get out to run a few errands at the planned time. Standing in line at one store with a fairly full basket, I realized that I didn't have my credit card or the loyalty card. I had cash, but needed the other card to get the 20% discount provided for 'seniors'. I managed to leave my basket behind the counter so I didn't have to go through the store again to gather it all together. What would have been a 10-15 minute walk a few months ago is now a 20+ minute drive. I got the cards from the other coat I wore earlier in the week when it was warmer, got the stuff paid for and hit one other store before I just felt like I'd had enough. 

Fatigue followed me around all day. I did some online work and made lunch and supper. By early evening, I thought I needed to just lay down. Luckily, I have nothing that requires me to leave the house tomorrow. There are a few household things to do and a list of online tasks, but neither will take excess energy. <smile> 

I thought of a relaxing song that could work as a lullaby of sorts. While the lyrics highlight the quiet of the earlier parts of the day as relaxing, I still prefer the later evening hours for this <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Early Morning Blues and Greens -- The Monkees

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

10/331 (28/11/23) -- Grocery Bill Shock

I headed out to get groceries and hit another store just after noon. There was a bit of blue sky and some sunshine present at that time. When I came home three hours later, the sky looked like one big cloud and we had some rain beginning. Wet flurries will arrive into the late evening and with colder temperatures, I expect some white stuff on the ground in the morning. 

My trip to the grocery store took much longer than I'd expected. The place was not crowded. However, shelves had not been fully restocked even though trollies filled with boxes of goods were left precariously in many aisles. So frustrating. <sigh>. I had to go to the second larger grocer in town to get the final three items -- bulk sweet potatoes and potatoes being high on that list. I could buy a five or ten pound bag, but they would rot before I used them all. They should have two or two and a half pound bags for single households. I'm sure they'd sell a lot. When I was at the store, the other shoppers were mainly older adults. Federal monthly pensions came into bank accounts today. Later in the day there should be many more youth shopping as it is student day where they get a discount for shopping on this day of the week. The slowest part was waiting at the cashier -- only three lines were open. I choose not to use the self-checkout area. I should get a discount for doing it myself. <smile>  At the other store on my list today, I managed to lose my shopping bag. It was no where to be founds. I backtracked through the rather large store and even checked at the customer service desk. Nothing. Now it was an older bag and I do have others at home I could use. I was just frustrated that I'd dropped it somewhere. I hope whoever found it gets good use of it. I did forget one other stop, but will try to do that at the end of the week. 

I'm still having issues judging the cost of a list of groceries. Prices change so often, it is difficult to estimate. It is always more than I want to pay. <sigh> each time I go, the total seems to creep upwards. We seem to be closing in on double what I paid four years ago. I expect this makes budgeting difficult for many people. I chose a song that deals with managing tight budgets. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cost of Livin' -- Ronnie Dunn 

10-330 (27/11/23) -- Loud Storm

One in person meeting was cancelled today and moved to next week -- which will be into December. How does that happen?  My other virtual meeting went as planned. We got some research stuff discussed and will do some further editing and proofing for another meeting next week. 

The forecast told of impending stormy weather. Major rain and big winds occurred into the afternoon. I'm so glad I didn't have to drive in this mess and could stay safe and dry inside. We had a few bouts of horizontal rain being hurled against my windows from early afternoon until late evening when everything suddenly went quiet. Rather eerie. The noise was incredible. I'm still learning what wind sounds like in the new place. There was some big rattling and banging on the patio side. There is nothing outside there except cement and the privacy fence, so I'm not sure what might be higher up on the building that may be producing that sound. It was way too wet and windy for me to suit up and go out to look. I'll chat with others to see what noises they here in the new builds. The lack of light due to heavy cloud cover required lights on everywhere I went in the house today-- twilight level of light at best. 

I thought something bluesy would fit the day. This one is from a concert at Royal Albert Hall almost 20 years ago. Just close your eyes, sit back and listen. I find it relaxing. Hope you do, too. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Stormy Monday -- Cream 

10-329 (26/11/23) -- Seeing the Sky

Today's walk fit the description of 'brisk', which could be read as COLD. <smile> The sun was shining but the temperature and wind felt biting. I encountered one other person on my walk. We nodded to each other and kept walking. It was to cold to pause or even slow down. 

We had clear skies during the day and evening. This meant that I saw the last full moon of autumn. It was stunningly bright and lit up the ground. Venus was also clearly visible and the brightest celestial body next to the moon tonight. I miss seeing the sun and the moon when we encounter weeks of cloudy days. These are common in fall and winter. It weighs on a person's pschye to be separated from the sky. When the sun comes out people walk taller and make eye contact more often. Intriguing. 

A melody came to me today -- a favourite of my dad's. I share that here tonight for its calm and soothing sound that fit so well with the view out my patio window tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Moonlight Serenade -- Glenn Miller and his Orchestra

10-328 (25/11/23) -- Changing Rhythms

I've been working at establishing a new routine for some time now. I had one and then the packing began and now the unpacking seems to have halted. Getting used to a new space with different ways to get where I need to go has been a challenge in and of itself. Add the need to get boxes up onto storage shelves in the garage so the car can be inside during the worst of sinter and I feel overwhelmed. The loss of a major social support in my best friend and I feel I've come to a total stop. 

When I listened to an interview with Geddy Lee the other day, he spoke of his take on why the band didn't have a string of number one hits. He said it was likely due to the fact that the songs were "rhythmically challenging" -- they weren't the type of song the audience could clap along to. He also spoke to how one can measure success. In his view instead of the number of hit songs, he focused on improving self and skills. To him, it wasn't all about money or external recognition. 

Both of these points struck me as profound. With all the life changes I've encountered in the past 4+ months, the rhythms have been challenged. It doesn't make them wrong, just 'challenging' to feel comfortable with them.  I may need to reflect on things differently to find the successes that occur as I move through the major changes. 

The song shared today took some time to choose. Rush had many songs with multiple time signature changes as well as less commonly used signatures. He suggested one, but I went with a different one that I enjoy for its use of Morse code as well as changing time signatures. No plain old 4/4 time for this band <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

YYZ -- Rush 

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

10-327 (24/11/23) -- Warm Buns

The morning walk was in bright sunshine but a very cold wind. I chose to do a shorter walk than planned due to the colder feel of the air. I was glad for the sun, though. When it came out from behind a major cloud, it warmed my backside. That must mean that I need to wear a coat instead of a short jacket when walking. The clouds are harbingers of snow. We have snow squall watches in place for today and into the evening. Forecasters said we could receive 10 cm (4 inches) of snow from squalls -- otherwise known as on-shore flurries. These blow in from the north across the water. The positive thing is that we will get rain again in a few days, so the snow won't stay -- yet. <sigh> 

This time of year brings many decisions when planning to the leave the house. Runners or boots? Jacket or coat? Gloves or mitts? Ear band, toque or hoodie? Do I need an extra layer of fleece? I sometimes walk to the end of the block to pick up the mail and then head back home to re-adjust the outerwear to more or less, as needed. 

As I walked with the sun behind me, I heard a line from a song that made me giggle. I share the song and the giggle with you today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Warmth of the Sun -- The Beach Boys 


1--326 (23/11/23) -- Puddle Dancing

The pouring rain overnight left a lot of puddles and ponding on roads and other areas. When I headed to Main Street for a meeting and some errands, I parked in a puddle -- a big puddle. I had to walk carefully so I did not create waves that would wash over my shoes -- not waterproof, though my next pair will be. <smile>  One my trip to the mall for the final errand of the day,  I chose to get a take-out lunch since it was well past time. I chose a turkey great turkey sandwich with a lovely salad. That was my meal to celebrate the US Thanksgiving with my friends and family. 

The song today came to mind when thinking of all the rain that fell in the past day. It is the way of autumn in the  Maritimes -- wind with rain, snow or both. I thought it would be a good day to wear boots instead of runners -- not for warmth but for dryness. Sadly my boots also leak. Footwear shopping is in my future -- and I dislike shoe shopping -- a lot! <smile> Mind you, wet feet aren't a fave either. <sigh> This song came to mind was I carefully waded across the parking lot pond -- I needed a choreographer for that trip <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

These Boots are made for Walking -- Nancy Sinatra

Sunday, 26 November 2023

10-325 (22/11/23) -- 60 Years Ago Today

Sixty years ago today, President Kennedy was shot. I recall snippets of the day. The main one was the coverage on our television -- a 36 inch CRT black and white screen. The usual graininess was worsened by the quality of the television cameras at work that day. They were never good at closeups -- so not like the HD we live with today. The event was replayed over and over again, so I do recall seeing the shooting multiple times. 

Fast forward 30 some years and I was doing my doctoral degree in content analysis of television. I've often wondered if seeing the Viet Nam war life on the set as well as the deaths of JFK, RFK and MLK might have affected that choice. I inherently knew that media content could affect how we feel and think, which led me to looing at body image and food related messages in prime time TV. 

A friend brought up a good questions. My thesis aside, what might have happened if JFK had not been shot or if it were someone else in the presidency at the time? So many points of history may have changed or may have remained the same. All the "What ifs" could bring forth many events that might have been connected to the JFK shooting. Something like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, this could begin a whole new connection to potential outcomes. Hmmm. There is a lot to ponder there. 

I chose a more recent song written about the assassination by a poet and musician. It was released with an album in 2020. It is a longer piece of spoken word, but is worth the journey. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Murder Most Foul -- Bob Dylan

10-324 (21/11/23) -- White Stuff

Well, it has happened. Our first snow. I woke to the sound of a shovel on cement, which told me that the snow wasn't set to melt if we just waited. <sigh> So, my first task after doing breakfast was to push snow off the patio, front porch and around the car. Someone from the complex came by shortly after to spread some salt on the driveway and up to the front door. During the day, snow squalls came and went, so I chose to do my meeting by phone today instead of in person. instead of driving and walking in the slippery areas. Also, not everyone has their winter tires on yet or remembers to slow down when road conditions are not perfect. Perhaps  it is a bit of defensive driving to just stay home. <smile> Forecasts suggest that we will have some sun and melting over the next few days, before it snows again. 

I chose an odd little number that addresses the weather phenomenon encountered today. It demonstrates some great creativity, though I could come up with a few more words -- but that might affect ratings <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy!

50 Words for Snow -- Kate Bush

10-323 (20/11/23) -- Lack of Clarity

I felt very defeated today. Couldn't muster any ambition to do anything -- neither chores nor fun things. The feeling was nagging at me all day. About 9:30 PM, I realized that it was Monday. Now, I'm not that disoriented that I didn't know what day it was; the significance of the day hadn't hit me until then. My best friend and I spoke on Mondays. Now, somewhere in my subconscious mind my brain knew this was Monday. Yet, it didn't allow my conscious mind to be aware of this -- like it was trying to protect me from some pain. So, instead of that, my brain referred that pain to the fatigue and darkness without me understanding the origin of it all. The pain hasn't been stopped, it was just hidden and created other discomforts. 

Brains are amazing things. We really don't understand how they function as well as we might think we do. <smile> Pondering the day and my lack of clarity brought to mind something Professor Dumbledore said in Deathly Hallows. When speaking to Harry in the afterworld, Harry asked if this was real or just all in his head. Dumbledore replied saying "Of course, it is happening inside your head, Harry. Why should that mean that it's not real?" I had wondered what the heck was wrong with me today, but grief never surfaced as the answer. 

One thing that helps on days like this is finding something to focus on like counting or breathing. This brought a song to mind that deals with challenging days. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Breathe -- Ariana Grande


Saturday, 25 November 2023

10-322 (19/11/23) -- Neighbourhoods

During my walk today I had chats with three people. One was walking a poodle and we recognized each other from our time working on campus. I recognized the husky walking with her person. I love the dog vocalizations that huskies seem to do. She was wanting to get moving again <smile>. Then I met a woman I first saw in the late summer. She was walking with her husband. I hadn't met him before. We had a good chat and then went our separate ways. It was sunny but the wind felt very cool, which facilitated a brisker walk -- good for the cardiovascular health. <smile> 

While indoors, I finished some household chores and made a supper with everything cooked in the oven. It was all yummy. I also finished polishing and posted four blogs. I am still a long way from catching up, but with some concerted effort, this will happen -- sooner rather than later, I hope.  

While working today, I pondered the idea of neighbourhood. I left what I consider my neighbourhood. Now I live in a space that I have to rediscover that concept. Generally, major changes to life require a year -- living through all four seasons with the new circumstances before things feel more comfortable. It will be different. Each time I've moved, settling in takes a long time. Given that I was in the same place for 25 years before this move likely means it will take a bit longer to become comfortable in the new place. 

I chose a song about neighbourhoods, leaving and returning. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Neighbourhood -- American Authors ft. Bear Rinehart

10-321 (18/11/23) -- Big Rain & Wind

The weather today deteriorated after some great sunny spots in the morning. Clouds and wind picked up and then it began to rain. Pour would be a better term. The winds were major and blew rain against the side of the house with patio doors and bedroom windows. It was loud. At one point, I thought it was thunder, but it was the wind hurling the heavy rain against the windows. It will take time to begin to understand the sounds of storms in the new house, I know. But this one was really something. 

I chose to move the perennials to the garage today. They are finished for the season, but waiting to more these in the coming few days would not work as well. The expected heavy rainfall would mean the pots would be saturated with water. The temperatures will be dropping, so this would just freeze the soil in the pots. This has two drawbacks. It can crack the pots necessitating new purchases next season. Also, when sitting in the garage, this would thaw and leave water all over the floor. So, I moved them inside today. To be honest, there will just be many more storms so it is time to do this one chore. The plants will pick up again in the spring. For now they can rest indoors. 

Lyrics of the selection today are simplistic, but state what I was thinking through the day. There may be a deeper meaning here, but on the surface the words carry a simple message, too.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Stormy Weather -- Pixies


Friday, 24 November 2023

10-320 (17/11/23) -- Looking Skyward

When out for a walk today, I noticed the many contrails in the clear blue sky. I haven't noticed this many for a very long time. They hung around for a couple of hours, as I saw some old ones along with newer once when out at the grocery store. These made me ponder the many places I would like to visit -- some I have been to several times and others I haven't been to yet. Just getting away appealed to me today. 

This evening, I had a great dinner with a dear friend. We cooked together -- a fun activity for two foodies. <smile> It was relaxing to just cook, consume and visit together. <smile> 

Several songs came to mind when thinking of traveling today. While the airlines are still getting their collective acts together and things may not be as pleasant as they once were, I would still travel that way to save time getting to some destinations and other places just require a plane -- difficult to drive across an ocean <grin>.  I chose one that describes flying well. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Learning to Fly -- Pink Floyd

10-319 (16/11/23) -- Blind-Sided

After an appointment this afternoon, I had a meeting with a research colleague. I warned her that I felt firmly ensconced in the anger phase of grief. And, yes, there was an outburst in response to my vision issues with the teeny tiny print on the shared screen. It was more focused at my frustration with me than anything else. 

When speaking to a friend later, I noted that this sort of thing comes out of no where and is so unexpected. I feel blind-sided by it. My friend noted that it can be an unusually large response to a small thing. That made me laugh as I pictured the ROUS (Rodents of Unusual Size) from Princess Bride coming up from behind and knocking me down. What a perfect visual for the feeling. That helped me to smile and relax a bit. I tend to think in metaphor and this one is so very perfect. I will need to practice strategies to battle the creatures. May have to watch the movie again, too. 

In honour of the origin of the metaphor, I share music from the movie. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Storybook Love -- Mark Knopfler & Willie DeVille


Thursday, 23 November 2023

10-315 (12/11/23) -- Isolated Feeling

It was sunny today so I went for a longer walk than usual. I had a good chat with a neighbour along the way. She told me of a different pathway out of the development. It is still a long walk, but fewer hills to climb. That path ends by the tertiary highway. There is a great garden for walking and contemplation on the other side. I'm now looking for a shortcut to get to this trail. That would save two or three blocks. 

I still find it difficult to be so far from Main Street and campus. It is a 10 minute drive unless there is traffic. I can park at the end of Main and get in a good walk down to businesses or to my office on campus. Walking the whole way would be about 45 minutes one way. That is a huge walk. There is a community bus, but the route is all through town, so the ride one way can be an hour. I feel trapped at times. The area is not huge, and all townhomes look the same and the yards are all similar -- though some residents have personalized their spaces somewhat. Being in the centre of town meant I could walk in several directions and keep the daily outing interesting. I need to find a way to do this here. It has been a challenge, but I will keep trying and ask others where they walk. 

A song that came to mind when pondering the isolated feelings I've had. It made me smile, though it does have a few lines that hit home a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hotel California -- The Eagles

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

10-318 (15/11/23) -- Tooth Repair

Today was filled with a number of disparate activities. It began with a research meeting to discuss next steps in writing a paper. I then virtually attended a celebration of life for a mentor and friend. The Next came a dental visit for a filling. The existing filling had cracked over decades of service and there were a few micro-fractures in the tooth as well as the start of a cavity between that tooth and the one beside it. Near the end, I noted that my hands were shaking. I was told that would be due to the adrenaline added to the freezing compound. He also noted that I was a bit wound when I arrived today, so had a lot of adrenaline circulating before that. I had planned to walk to do a couple of errands, but chose to head home and rest. I chose not to eat lunch before going to the dentist, so I tried eating when I got home. The experience was interesting. as I had to ensure I didn't bite the frozen cheek and lip. I wanted to let the filling set a bit, so had to chew on the opposite side from usual. I will likely have some soreness in the jaw joints tomorrow as well as the area where the work was done. The healing will take some time, but shouldn't be too bothersome.

The song today is about visiting the dentist. It is a parody of a rock song that brought a smile after my experience today. Keep well. Enjoy!  

parody of a song by U2 "Hold me, thrill me kiss me kill me' Made me laugh. 

Cavity Search -- 'Weird Al' Yankovic (parody of U2,song  "Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me")

10-317 (14/11/23) -- Mundane Existence

Nothing major happened today -- just the ordinary things of an ordinary day. I pondered on the nature of the blog. Much of the blog is about the mundane and finding some challenge or meaning in the experience. Life isn't filled with major events day after day after day. I firmly believe that this is a good thing. The stresses both positive and negative, can create negative side effects when present in large number. Reflecting on what can seem like a boring day helps us find reasons to be grateful. 

A song about the mundane aspects of daily life is shared here today. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Ordinary Life -- Van Morrison 

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

10-316 (13/11/23) -- KIndness Day

The day has been rainy and cool. I spent most of the day indoors doing household tasks and catching up on the blog backlog. Now, I've said that phrase a few time and have wondered if that what blog stands for -- Back Log <grin> I will get caught up. It takes patience, though, which I find difficult to embrace. 

I read that today was World Kindness Day. I've written about the importance of kindness many times. Small acts can mean a lot. Larger actions also bring gratitude from all people involved. So, today would be a good day to practice kindness -- to others and to yourself. 

I like the concept covered by the selection of the day. There is verse that romanticizes the past in a way that may not be truthful. Other than that, the lyrics speak to spreading kindness. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A Random Act of Senseless Kindness -- South 65

Monday, 20 November 2023

10-314 (11/11/23) -- Time for Remembrance

Today I watched the Remembrance Day ceremonies from the National War Memorial in Ottawa. In front of the memorial is the Tomb of the Unknown. I have been to the ceremonies in person once when visiting my cousin. It was chilly, but moving to be there. The guns off by the river shook the ground we stood on in the middle of the downtown area. That added a lot to the experience. I've laid a poppy on the tomb several times when in town for meetings, since I always make a point of visiting the monuments. On the same trip, my cousin and I visited the National War Museum, which covers the five centuries of various conflicts on what is now Canadian soil and those wars fought abroad and the peace keeping missions overseas. The chronological sections of the museum are very well done. They help to interpret what life for service members must have been like.  The architecture is amazing. Two areas in particular stood out for me. At the end of the displays, there is a window that frames the Peace Tower. I found that very moving. At the front of the museum is the grave marker of the unknown soldier from World War I. A very high narrow window is in the wall across from the grave stone. On November 11 at 11 AM, the sun shines through that window landing directly on the stone. A very nice way to pay tribute to this sacrifice. 

One speaker asked that we 'celebrate difference rather than exclusion'. That is something that we should all ponder. I believe our differences provide strength, as did this speaker. 

I chose a favourite song for remembrance. It is written and performed by a group from Newfoundland and Labrador -- a dominion who lost most of a generation in a single battle at Beaumont Hamel in 1916. Now, this province remembers those lost in battle on July 1 in the morning, and celebrate Canada Day in the afternoon. The Rooms museum has a fantastic display about those who fought that day -- those who came home and those who didn't. A trail of blue forget-me-nots leads the way to that display area. 

I will Sing You Home -- Ennis Sisters 

10-313 (10/11/23) -- Disoriented

I had a business meeting today that seemed not to deal with the business at hand. It was rather odd. We will meet in two weeks o do the business that I'd hope to conclude today. There may be more work needed in the near future, too. We'll see. 

I went to campus to scan some documents that need to be submitted electronically. While there, I had a great talk with a friend. I felt less stressed on my way home. I ate a late lunch and then fell asleep. Granted, I haven't been sleeping well, but this was bizarre. I woke about two hours later and was very disoriented. I wasn't sure if it was morning or night. Had I slept through the night or what. It took some time to fully wake and understand that this had been a hefty nap but not a full night's sleep. Happily, this doesn't happen often.

I heard two words repeatedly from a song lyric today. It is the way the song ends that stuck in my head tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Only Sleeping -- The Monkees

10-312 (9/11/23) -- Fun Gathering

The highlight of the day was lunch with former colleagues. Four of us are retired and one is still working. We haven't gotten together for a few months. While service was abysmally slow, we had time to visit as we waited. I had a great sandwich -- roasted vegetables with goat cheese and aioli on focaccia. It came with a bowl of broccoli soup. Everything was delicious. So, it was worth the wait.  

Getting out with a group is a wonderful feeling. It doesn't happen too often, but I am grateful for such visits. After being isolated for the pandemic, my gratitude for gathering with friends is felt more than it might have been three years ago.

Lyrics of the selection today represent the simple things that bring joy. Getting together with friends is one of these as is the enjoyment in sharing good conversation over great food. Keep safe. Enjoy!

What a Wonderful World -- Louis Armstrong

10-311 (8/11/23) -- Ground Cover

I spent most of the day indoors. I worked on one writing project to complete a list of edits my co-worker and I agreed upon last week. We will discuss these and other possible changes early next week. Outside the windows it was sunny with blue sky in the morning and grey cloud cover by mid-afternoon. A friend and I went out for a lovely dinner at our favourite local fine dining facility. On the way there, there were a few white flake in the air, but it all melted as it hit the ground. As we ate, we could see snow piling up on cars passing by. We thought they'd come in from west of here. Then we began to see snow on the parked vehicles. There was snow when we drove home. Apparently, snow squall warning had been in effect for the evening. By midnight the snow on the fence posts reached a depth of 7-10 cm (3-4 inches). The street was fully covered with tracks from a single car visible. 

I am not really ready for this type of precipitation. Anything frozen is unwelcome anytime. Some people get excited about this change in ground cover, but many of us prefer to be able to get around without this obstacle getting in the way. I really need to live somewhere warmer. 

The title line of a song got stuck in my head as I watched the precipitation fall. The song pace and tone fit my feelings well, too. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Whiter Shade of Pale -- Procal Haram 


10-310 (7/11/23) -- Customer Disservice

 I ran some errands on Main Street and got a good walk in while doing this. My phone rang when I was in one store. This rarely rings, so I checked to see who was calling. It was a business that I have been trying to contact for some time. So, there I am in the card aisle trying to answer their questions and agree to an in-person meeting at the end of the week. That was just odd. 

After getting to everything on my shopping list, it was past lunch time and I decided to stop at a quick-service place I pass on the way home. I looked over their new menu. It has changed after the reopening post-pandemic. There was a sandwich that sounded doable. I asked the cashier what the ingredients were. I have a few food allergies and they aren't the usual ones. She didn't know, but asked a co-worker who told her to ask the woman who makes the sandwiches. That person reviewed the basics. I asked if particular grains were part of the 'rice' mixture. She told me no. So, I got one to go. At home, I still felt wary, so I went online and read the ingredient list. There is black and white was the one grain I had asked about. I was frustrated. So, I got in the car and went back to discuss this with the workers. I explained the situation to the cashier, who went to another co-worker. They both went to someone who seemed to be somewhat in charge. They spoke a different language, but the grain name was repeatedly said and the discussion did not sound happy. The 'manager' came to chat to me and all she said, rather curtly, "Do you want your money back?" I was a bit taken aback, but said yes. She hadn't offered anything else, had she? <sigh> Other competitor businesses have a binder listing the ingredients of every product sold. I've asked and people politely look at the binder and will even show me the listing. Now, wouldn't that be good business practice? Needless to say, I doubt I will return to this chain. We have others in town that I feel more confident that I won't be fed something that creates issues.  

I chose a song for its title. It said what I need to say to this company -- and a couple of others. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Keep the Customer Satisfied -- Simon & Garfunkel 

Sunday, 19 November 2023

10-309 (6/11/23) -- Looking Up

I felt more positive for most of the day. There was a moment or two of sadness expressed later in the day. It is always there, but some days are less teary than others. 

Adding to the positive viewpoints was a meeting about a writing project. Things seem to be moving forward. There is a lot of work ahead of us, but things seem to be moving along well. This is a project that we have been talking about and through for many years and have been writing parts of it for several years. I am still gathering information in a research setting, which will add to this project well. So, while a bit challenging to look at the large project, I keep reminding myself of my advice to many students over the years. Take it one step at a time. Don't look at the size of the end project, but look at the small chunk that you can start now. Then knit them all together later. Not easy to take one's own advice <grin>. 

The chorus of a song ran through my head today. Even with sadness, the day can still be good. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Beautiful Day -- U2

10-308 (5/11/23) -- Old School?

While I was cooking today -- made a big pot of stew -- I pulled up the music app on the television. When searching the channels, one was called 'Old School Weekend'. I found this way to vague, so checked out the description. Apparently this channel is devoted to '90s Hip Hop. Granted that was 30-ish years ago. But my idea of ' old school' goes back further than that <grin>. Some days aging hits me in the face like this. It is all perspective, isn't it? We come from different backgrounds and the passage of time is seen differently as we age. This one shocked me into the reality of how long ago the turn of the millennium occurred. So, for those who were born after 2000, the '90s is way old school, eh? <smile> 

In the evening I had a good phone visit with my cousins in Ottawa. It is always great to chat with them. We keep up a bit on social media, but speaking directly to each other is always fun. I needed a lift today and this did help -- as did the music once I found a channel that I could sing along with <grin>. 

A song that fit my musings on aging came to mind as I was chopping vegetables. It says it all. I chose a cover from the '90s -- just because of the 'old school' statement I'd encountered. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

My Generation -- Green Day


10-307 (4/11/23) -- Pondering Time

This evening many people set their clocks back. I wait until I get up tomorrow to do this silly task. I come from a province where we didn't change time. We were on Central Standard Time all year round. But the provinces on either side of us did change, so half the year we were the same as Alberta and the other half we were the same as Manitoba. It made things challenging for people calling from southern Ontario as they often got things wrong and the early morning meeting calls often came while I was still in bed. <smile>. 

The first time I experienced a time change was in the fall after undergraduate school and I was living in Toronto. I found it bizarre to be in almost full dark between 3 PM and 4 PM. I understand going to school or work in the dark for an 8 AM start and then heading home in the dark at 5 PM -- but that was mostly into mid- to late-December. With time change this goes on for weeks. <sigh> Much conversation about staying at one time all year has been bandied about of late. What remains to be seen is who chooses Standard time who chooses Daylight Savings time. Either way, we are likely to be on different time schedules in what is currently the same time zone. Sir Sanford Fleming, pr0posed 24 time zones with each being 1 hour apart, which equated to 15 degrees of longitude. He called this Standard Time. Until then each city or county declared what the time of day would be. That might not have been such a big deal when we travelled less than we do now.  

The title line of a song ran through my head repeatedly today. The rest of the lyrics don't really fit the day, but I'm sharing it anyway. I have to get this earworm out of my head. Sorry to pass it along. <grin> 

It's a Sign of the Times -- Petulia Clark

10-306 (3/11/23) -- Fun Food Shopping

I was out at a local bakery getting supplies when my phone rang. A friend was out by my new place and was in town nearer to her place. Odd <smile>. She waited for me to get home and we went out to a local farmgate sale -- the place with apple and pear orchards and a large garden. Produce is still coming in after the hard freezes we've had. In fact, cabbage family vegetables taste better -- a bit sweeter -- after a major frost. So, the cabbage, brussels sprouts and such will be ready in the next couple of weeks. My friend ordered a stalk of sprouts for the holiday dinners. I came home with a bunch of apple seconds for my favourite apple sauce recipe. Bosc pears were ready this week, so I have four of these in a bag on the counter. They will ripen over the next few days and be great snacks or desserts. I also got some heirloom reddish pink onions that originate in Italy. They are a bit sweeter and less harsh than a typical red onion. I have a bunch of peppers so will do a pan or two of peppers and onions for my veggie side dishes. These go well with most dinners and are yummy with an egg breakfast. 

We had sun as we drove out to the farm and within a few minutes heavy cloud had filled the sky. We did have a bit of drizzle with flakes expected later in the evening. It was a cold day, so I was glad to have my gloves with me. I dislike this time of year when one has to carry extra clothing and then we will need to wear it all before leaving the house. While shopping, one needs to remove mitts and undo scarves if in the store for a while and then find a place to re-dress when purchases have or have not been made. I feel like the spontaneity of being out and about is compromised with the need for all the extra accoutrements required to protect us from the environment. Had to get that out of my system, though I expect it will rise again over the next few months. <sigh>  

I chose the song today based on the chorus phrases mainly. It seemed to fit the dreariness of the later part of the day. I also picked a cover version to share. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hazy Shade of Winter -- The Bangles